Board of Directors


The Board of Directors’ responsibilities include the following:

  • Ensure the organization has a clear, succinct written mission statement that expresses its core values and reason for being.
  • Engage in regular strategic planning as an integral part of effective leadership and management.
  • Provide ongoing oversight, including executive leadership, board self-assessment, and periodic review of current policies and code of ethics.
  • Formulate a fund-raising strategy, including a case statement that expresses the rationale for financial support.
  • Expect each board member to make an annual contribution to the organization according to his or her means, and take an active role in raising money.
  • Approve and monitor the annual operating budget.
  • Review regular financial reports from staff. Require an annual audit by an independent accountant.
  • Be active community ambassadors, promoting the organization's mission, service, and achievements as well as bringing community perspectives to the attention of the board and staff.
  • Ensure that the organization has a marketing and public relations strategy to support outreach.
  • Seek out key leaders in business, government, education, and the media to inform them about the organization.
The board of directors meets six times a year (August, October, December, February, April, June). Committees meet as needed, and the Finance Committee meets on a monthly basis.

Standing Committees
  • Executive
  • Finance
  • Golf
  • Community Outreach
  • Board Development

Strategic Plan Goal Teams:

  • Optimize Donor Experience, Engagement & Investments
  • Drive Community Connections & Collaboration 
  • Identify & Address Student Priorities
  • Enhance Funds Under Management
  • Maximize Operational Efficiency & Accountability
  • Amplify Our Brand & Our Story
Board members are elected for 3-year terms. Elections are held annually during the final board meeting of the fiscal year.

For more information, contact:

Debi Pedraza, Senior Director
Office:  407-317-3261
Direct:  407-317-3200 x 2608



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Board of Directors Meetings

Click here to view scheduled meetings for the Foundation board and other committees.