BJ's Charitable Foundation Contributes $4,500 to Support Read2Succeed

Thursday, February 21, 2013

BJ’s Charitable Foundation invested $4,500 to fund a reading assistant as part of the Foundation's Read2Succeed program. Reading assistants work with at-risk second graders to build reading fluency and comprehension.

Currently, the Read2Succeed program has 11 reading assistants (five from Valencia College). Reading assistants have enabled the program to double the number of children served to almost 500 students. Other funders for the Read2Succeed program include; Orlando Magic Youth Fund, Consortium of Florida Education Foundations, Wells Fargo, and TD Bank Foundation.

Reading Assistants work at schools that, for many reasons, do not attract enough volunteers. They devote 15 hours per week working with pairs of students to improve their reading skills.  Trained Read2Succeed Reading Assistants facilitate a step-by-step research based program, “The Six-Minute Solution” which works on building reading fluency. This program includes effective instructional procedures that guide students to improved literacy with support from their reading assistant.

To learn more about the Read2Succeed program, email Jeanne Smith or Hiba George or call 407-317-3261.

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