Investing in Student Success
The Foundation for Orange County Public Schools serves as the philanthropic arm of our community’s school district. This allows the Foundation to facilitate a wide range of donor-led innovations for a single school or program.
Community investments empower our schools, scale classroom-based projects, and promote key priorities.
In the 2023-24 school year, the Foundation focused on supporting the expansion of existing OCPS programs and enhancing student opportunities across our district.
The Foundation’s goal to raise and manage $10 million by 2030 will help thousands of students thrive!
Our community’s children will gain invaluable experiences, opportunities, and connections through strategic funding efforts.
OCPS Green Schools engages students in conserving energy and water, reducing waste, improving health and well-being, and enhancing the school grounds with gardens and outdoor learning areas.
Read2Succeed provides low-performing 1st and 2nd-grade students with vocabulary and fluency tutoring so students are reaching at or above reading scores by the 3rd grade.
The OCPS eSports initiative improves student internet safety and increases STEM engagement by bringing competitive gaming into high school campuses.