Accounting Procedures
This manual includes our processes for accounting transactions to meet efectiveness, efficiency, and adequate internal controls.
Investment Policy
This policy establishes clear investment objectives and guidelines for the Foundation to manage fund performance.
Gift Acceptance Policy
This policy details the types of gifts and contributions accepted by the Foundation.
Donor Gift Agreement
This form is required to establish a pledged monetary gift - either a one-time or recurring.
Administrative Fees for Funds
This one-pager explains the standard administrative fees for school-based funds and investment accounts.
Advocacy Policy
This document is a statement of the Foundation's position on public policy advocacy.
Code of Ethics
This document describes the Foundation's standards for ethical practices.
Conflict of Interest Policy
This policy describes the Foundation's definition and actions in the case of conflicts of interest.
Document Destruction Policy
The Foundation illustrates it's policy and procedures for record keeping of hard-copy and electronic documents.
Whistleblower Policy
This document describes the Foundation's responsibilities to support it's Code of Ethics policy.
School Volunteers Policy
This document describes the School Board of Orange County's policy for all school volunteers.